Economic control = Pschological control???
"He who controls you economically will also control you emotionally....psychologically"......Leslie said. Those words like so many of his others got locked away for later retrospection and chewing.....
They often surfaced as I pondered over the job question - to take up a job or to continue entrepreneurship. However I could not fully grasp what it meant really.......the thought of letting my pyschological control go away was scary to say the least!
It took me a few months of brooding, an Alibaug trip and some time with Kaushik ramu coupled with my own retrospection to grasp this idea fully......
It is quite an insight if you ask me.......
Let me first start with what do you mean by psychology or emotions? your daily feelings - that makes you human.
For me these are really precious....I want them to be mine.....only mine....
But when you observe people around you, its interesting. There's a friend who is with us on the trip. She starts to check retail stores in that town to find out if they store the shampoo brand her company makes (curiosity).......
She is really happy to see a few sachets of the brand she is working on right in the next shop (joy).......and yet the easiest way to get into a debate with her is to start critisizing her brand.....
She thinks for the company (like any other "GOOD" employee)
Think about this for a moment - isn't the huge lifeless corporation that has employed her, also taken over her thought and emotional control?
And isn't it natural - it starts from a very basic instinct - survival instinict. That, is now aligned to all of these behaviours - the more she exhibits these behaviours, the more she gets paid (by doing well on the job) and the better her chances of surival....crude but true :))
I dont want to take a judgemental stance on this one.....its just that I hope the choice is conciously made, and with the freedom to let go of it too......
They often surfaced as I pondered over the job question - to take up a job or to continue entrepreneurship. However I could not fully grasp what it meant really.......the thought of letting my pyschological control go away was scary to say the least!
It took me a few months of brooding, an Alibaug trip and some time with Kaushik ramu coupled with my own retrospection to grasp this idea fully......
It is quite an insight if you ask me.......
Let me first start with what do you mean by psychology or emotions? your daily feelings - that makes you human.
For me these are really precious....I want them to be mine.....only mine....
But when you observe people around you, its interesting. There's a friend who is with us on the trip. She starts to check retail stores in that town to find out if they store the shampoo brand her company makes (curiosity).......
She is really happy to see a few sachets of the brand she is working on right in the next shop (joy).......and yet the easiest way to get into a debate with her is to start critisizing her brand.....
She thinks for the company (like any other "GOOD" employee)
Think about this for a moment - isn't the huge lifeless corporation that has employed her, also taken over her thought and emotional control?
And isn't it natural - it starts from a very basic instinct - survival instinict. That, is now aligned to all of these behaviours - the more she exhibits these behaviours, the more she gets paid (by doing well on the job) and the better her chances of surival....crude but true :))
I dont want to take a judgemental stance on this one.....its just that I hope the choice is conciously made, and with the freedom to let go of it too......
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