Thursday, November 17, 2005

The desh pardesh debate

Fart (creative genius and fellow IIM-Bian who should be at some creative ad agency but is slogging away at a consult...) wrote of a beautiful thought......if the dollar would not be so "STRONG" so many people would be in India......i could not agree more to that.....

This desh-videsh question has bugged me for long....

For me before anything at all, having a choice to go pardes is important....if you really had no choice then your evaluation is obviously biased....if you could not go pardes you have no choice but to love des....if you had to go pardes then again thats pointless....

So I had a choice.....and thats what gave birth to this debate...

Also that alone is not enough - you should have ideally experienced enuff of pardes to be able to take a you've experts on why pardes is a bad place and the superiority of indian culture (like my hindi teacher who was an amazing teacher but terribly into conditioning us bachhas)

My internship @ singapore for 2 months and another stint @ Germany for 4 months gave me enough a chance to see and answer the question....quite a luxury I know.....

(at this point my computer had crashed 4 times - and each time I had gone ahead and written this post when it this is like a fizzled out version of the post)

Anyways so after having seen this, I choose desh.....

Desh has luxuries untold, for any guy making decent money....

In many ways you do live like a prince......I have naresh, our iron boy dutifully ironing our clothes @ 2 bux watchman washes the car for 15 bux (ever heard of a 30 cent car wash en notre Europe?).......the bai comes and does all in one - dishes, clothers, and the cleaning (better than the dishwasher, washing machine and vaccuum cleaner respectively)......

Everything's getting better and cheaper

Then there is desi food.....spicy and tasty

and most importantly desi people....

Yeah this was articulated so much better in each of the previous posts but i've just lost the damn enthu to write this for the fifth time.....

Bottom line is that over lonely festivals......multicolored people......alien plastic hygine....I prefer my des


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