A nation fooling itself
A survey on sex in the Times a few days back was really stunning........
Now before I start on that let me tell you that being biologically wired for reproduction, sex is quite on my mind. I used to feel bad about it a long long back, but now I quite accept it as a part of myself.....
So this got me really interested....Durex conducted an international survey......Indians having 3 partners on an average....world average being 9!!!!
Average age for losing virginity at 19!!!
Either the survey was wrong or we (me and my circle) were way behind times!
This got cemeted by stunning research coming from The Buzz today......
If there's so much sex happening in the private space, the public space surely doesn't show it......
Maybe we want to act as a morally high society - and with the assumption that sex is bad. Or atleast enjoying it is.
So in a land of a billion buggers and kamasutra, we dont have a single decent sex shop - all you have are shady "Ayurvedic Davakhanas" that dole out at most just a tiny variety of condoms and stuff.......
I think there's an entire industry out there - you know in terms of what can be done....and add to the GDP ("Gross" Domestic Pleasure) of the country as well......
My college did not have a condom vending machine anywhere around it......being born in a generation cursed with AIDS, thats the least I could have asked for.....
I know its not possible for Mumbai to turn an Amsterdam over night, but atleast we could make a start by stop fooling ourselves......
The lines between sleazy mags and tabloids is blurring.....and item numbers are beaming all over the place......but these I think are all indirect ways....just nobody wants to come out in the open and say - hey, we're doing so much of sex all around and are not ashamed of it.......you know its like the story of the Emperor's new dress...everyone's playing along.......
It wouldn't really be such an issue but for the fact that AIDS numbers in India are rising......getting political mileage for closing dance bars is one thing.....right in your own backyard there's probably a teenager with access to net browsing away porn sites (they're no fun after 18 anyways!)
I think we need to handle this whole thing in a better way - you know not by acting innocent in face of surveys which constantly keep suggesting different (why even our population numbers show!)
And as with worldwide, the institution of marriage seems to be shaking.....maybe new forms will emerge......or the space that a couple gives each other will change.......atleast let it evolve it its own pace......
I think we need to throw out the notion that's somewhere crept up into the collective conciousness of our society - that sex is dirty......I think its beautiful.....Its cool....its as human as hunger or violence....to deny it would be to deny a very important part of ourselves......perhaps the most important one ;)
Now before I start on that let me tell you that being biologically wired for reproduction, sex is quite on my mind. I used to feel bad about it a long long back, but now I quite accept it as a part of myself.....
So this got me really interested....Durex conducted an international survey......Indians having 3 partners on an average....world average being 9!!!!
Average age for losing virginity at 19!!!
Either the survey was wrong or we (me and my circle) were way behind times!
This got cemeted by stunning research coming from The Buzz today......
If there's so much sex happening in the private space, the public space surely doesn't show it......
Maybe we want to act as a morally high society - and with the assumption that sex is bad. Or atleast enjoying it is.
So in a land of a billion buggers and kamasutra, we dont have a single decent sex shop - all you have are shady "Ayurvedic Davakhanas" that dole out at most just a tiny variety of condoms and stuff.......
I think there's an entire industry out there - you know in terms of what can be done....and add to the GDP ("Gross" Domestic Pleasure) of the country as well......
My college did not have a condom vending machine anywhere around it......being born in a generation cursed with AIDS, thats the least I could have asked for.....
I know its not possible for Mumbai to turn an Amsterdam over night, but atleast we could make a start by stop fooling ourselves......
The lines between sleazy mags and tabloids is blurring.....and item numbers are beaming all over the place......but these I think are all indirect ways....just nobody wants to come out in the open and say - hey, we're doing so much of sex all around and are not ashamed of it.......you know its like the story of the Emperor's new dress...everyone's playing along.......
It wouldn't really be such an issue but for the fact that AIDS numbers in India are rising......getting political mileage for closing dance bars is one thing.....right in your own backyard there's probably a teenager with access to net browsing away porn sites (they're no fun after 18 anyways!)
I think we need to handle this whole thing in a better way - you know not by acting innocent in face of surveys which constantly keep suggesting different (why even our population numbers show!)
And as with worldwide, the institution of marriage seems to be shaking.....maybe new forms will emerge......or the space that a couple gives each other will change.......atleast let it evolve it its own pace......
I think we need to throw out the notion that's somewhere crept up into the collective conciousness of our society - that sex is dirty......I think its beautiful.....Its cool....its as human as hunger or violence....to deny it would be to deny a very important part of ourselves......perhaps the most important one ;)
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